animaBIRIKI is a project created for an animated television series aimed at pre-school age children: the main character is little bird BIRIKI and his natural environment.
The conception and production of the animated series, which actively involves kids, groups and communities, is part of a unique and innovative interdisciplinary project which touches on a number of different areas – EDUCATION, ART and COMMUNICATION.

The animaBIRIKI stories are created with workshops and activities in Museums and at Festivals, in Schools and Associations. The participants in the project, inspired by individual and/or group artistic work, tell stories featuring already existing characters or by creating new ones.
The workflow of the animaBIRIKI project is an experimental pathway of continuous exchange and dialogue.
The animaBIRIKI staff is a group of visual experimenters and artists who work in analogue and digital format, blending together disciplines and mixing up their different know-how.

Episode one, “Biriki and the rainbow”, is produced by Cinedokke e RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera, under the patronage of Amnesty International, partner in bringing together the stories in the series.
animaBIRIKI will take flight in Museums, at Festivals and in Schools. Among the future destinations of the project are: the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Castellinaria international young film festival in Bellinzona, Switzerland, and with the support of Amnesty International an educational program in southern Italy covering Naples, Sicily and Lampedusa.

"Il mondo è molto piccolo • Una grande montagna ti fa sentire piccolo • Una formichina ti fa sentire grande"
"私達の世界はとても小さい • 巨大な山々の前で、自分が小さいと思われる • 小さな蟻の前で、自分が大きいと思われる"
"Die Welt ist sehr klein • Ein grosser Berg lässt dich klein fühlen • Eine kleine Ameise, lässt dich gross fühlen"
"The world is very small • A big mountain makes you feel small • A little ant makes you feel big"
"Мир очень маленький • Рядом с большой горой чувствуешь себя маленьким • Рядом с муравьишкой чувствуешь себя большим"
"Le monde est très petit • Une grande montagne te fait sentir petit • Une petite fourmie te fait sentir grand"
"O mundo é muito pequeno • Uma grande montanha faz-te sentir pequeno • Uma formiguinha faz-te sentir grande"
"世界是很小 • 一座高山让你感到是多么渺小 • 一只小蚂蚁让你感到是多么巨大"
"جبل كبيرة يجعلك تشعر الصغيرة • العالم صغير جدا • نملة يجعلك تشعر كبيرة"
"El mundo es muy pequeño • Una gran montaña te hace sentir pequeño • Una hormiga pequeña te hace sentir grande"